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Below we give a list of all of our titles, most recent first, that are currently available in print and digital. Most good book stores carry our books – do tell us if you are aware of one that should but doesn’t – alternatively all may be bought from this site with immediate dispatch from Amazon. If a title you are looking for does not appear, then it is out of print.
The first Blue Guide to cover the whole of India, from Assam to Tamil Nadu. Elegantly…
Practical, cultural, user-friendly guide to the sights and monuments of Andhra Pradesh. Includes referenced maps, full…
Practical, cultural, user-friendly guide to the sights and monuments of Bihar and Jharkhand. Includes referenced maps,…
User-friendly guide to the sights and monuments of Punjab and its capital Chandigarh, with maps, full…
Discerning on-the-ground guide to the sights and monuments of these two key destinations. With practical information…
On-site guide to the sights, monuments, natural beauties and architecture of this popular destination. With full…
Discerning on-site guide to the sights and monuments of Gujarat, with referenced map, full background information…
Discerning, user-friendly guide to the sights and monuments of Himachal Pradesh, with maps, full background information…
Practical and cultural guide to the sights and monuments of Jammu & Kashmir and the mountains…
Discerning on-site guide to the sights and monuments of Karnataka, with referenced maps, full background information…
Kerala with the French enclave of Mahé: On-site guide to the sights and monuments of this…
User-friendly guide with full background information on Indian history, culture and religions, and eating and accommodation…
Including Bhopal, Bhimbetka, Sanchi, Mandu, Gwalior and Khajuraho. Discerning on-site guide to the sights and monuments…
With Elephanta Island, the Ajanta and Ellora caves and Pune (Poona). Discerning on-site guide to the…
Practical, discerning guide to the sights and monuments of Orissa, with referenced maps, full background information…
Practical and cultural guide to the sights and monuments of Sikkim, Assam, Meghalaya, Tripura, with Arunachal…
Discerning on-site guide to the sights and monuments of Tamil Nadu and Chennai (Madras), with referenced…
The independent traveller’s guide to Uttar Pradesh: including Agra, Lucknow, Varanasi (Benares) and Mathura, birthplace of…
Discerning, user-friendly guide to the sights and monuments of Uttarakhand and Haryana, with referenced map, full…
This completely re-written new edition of Blue Guide Crete focuses on the long history of the…