Our Titles

Below we give a list of all of our titles, most recent first, that are currently available in print and digital. Most good book stores carry our books – do tell us if you are aware of one that should but doesn’t – alternatively all may be bought from this site with immediate dispatch from Amazon. If a title you are looking for does not appear, then it is out of print.

  • Blue Guide India

    The first Blue Guide to cover the whole of India, from Assam to Tamil Nadu. Elegantly…

  • Andhra Pradesh

    Practical, cultural, user-friendly guide to the sights and monuments of Andhra Pradesh. Includes referenced maps, full…

  • Bihar & Jharkhand

    Practical, cultural, user-friendly guide to the sights and monuments of Bihar and Jharkhand. Includes referenced maps,…

  • Chandigarh & Punjab

    User-friendly guide to the sights and monuments of Punjab and its capital Chandigarh, with maps, full…

  • Delhi & Rajasthan

    Discerning on-the-ground guide to the sights and monuments of these two key destinations. With practical information…

  • Goa

    On-site guide to the sights, monuments, natural beauties and architecture of this popular destination. With full…

  • Gujarat

    Discerning on-site guide to the sights and monuments of Gujarat, with referenced map, full background information…

  • Himachal Pradesh

    Discerning, user-friendly guide to the sights and monuments of Himachal Pradesh, with maps, full background information…

  • Jammu & Kashmir

    Practical and cultural guide to the sights and monuments of Jammu & Kashmir and the mountains…

  • Karnataka

    Discerning on-site guide to the sights and monuments of Karnataka, with referenced maps, full background information…

  • Kerala

    Kerala with the French enclave of Mahé: On-site guide to the sights and monuments of this…

  • Kolkata (Calcutta) & West Bengal

    User-friendly guide with full background information on Indian history, culture and religions, and eating and accommodation…

  • Madhya Pradesh & Chhattisgarh

    Including Bhopal, Bhimbetka, Sanchi, Mandu, Gwalior and Khajuraho. Discerning on-site guide to the sights and monuments…

  • Mumbay (Bombay) & Maharashtra

    With Elephanta Island, the Ajanta and Ellora caves and Pune (Poona). Discerning on-site guide to the…

  • Orissa

    Practical, discerning guide to the sights and monuments of Orissa, with referenced maps, full background information…

  • Sikkim & Northeast India

    Practical and cultural guide to the sights and monuments of Sikkim, Assam, Meghalaya, Tripura, with Arunachal…

  • Tamil Nadu

    Discerning on-site guide to the sights and monuments of Tamil Nadu and Chennai (Madras), with referenced…

  • Uttar Pradesh with Agra and the Taj Mahal

    The independent traveller’s guide to Uttar Pradesh: including Agra, Lucknow, Varanasi (Benares) and Mathura, birthplace of…

  • Uttarakhand & Haryana

    Discerning, user-friendly guide to the sights and monuments of Uttarakhand and Haryana, with referenced map, full…

  • Blue Guide Crete

    This completely re-written new edition of Blue Guide Crete focuses on the long history of the…