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Staten Island

A Blue Guide Travel Monograph

by Carol von Pressentin Wright

Staten Island
Staten Island

No longer New York’s “forgotten borough”. Since Hurricane Sandy, Staten Island has been in the headlines, and this absorbing, readable guide explores the Island’s past and present, its monuments, its open spaces, its maritime heritage and its memorable—often eccentric—characters, from Vanderbilts to vagrants to seventeen-year locusts.

Carol V. Wright is the author of Blue Guide New York and a contributor to The Encyclopedia of New York City. She has also published on women’s health and cookery and her work has appeared in The New York Times and a variety of periodicals. She was born on Staten Island.

Print properties:
- Pages: 260

Published: 2013, edition: 1

ISBN print: 9781905131563
ISBN digital: 9781909079861, 9781909177864

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