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Below we give a list of all of our titles, most recent first, that are currently available in print and digital. Most good book stores carry our books – do tell us if you are aware of one that should but doesn’t – alternatively all may be bought from this site with immediate dispatch from Amazon. If a title you are looking for does not appear, then it is out of print.
An easy-to-carry guide that tours this beautiful region of north Italy, detailing its history, architecture, art,…
An affectionate 1933 novella about a family on holiday in Venice by the famous Hungarian playwright.
The Story of Venice in Twenty-Six Bars and Cafés or A Counterblast against too Sober an…
The 19th edition of this accessible, detailed guide to the great metropolis of London is an…
This easy-to-carry guide includes the city of Udine, with its masterpieces by Tiepolo, and the great…
The world-class handbook to the unique city of Venice, now in its magnificent 10th Edition, is…
Revised and expanded 3rd edition of this popular pocket-book for Italy holidays and at-home reference. How…
A guide to Italy’s mountainous northwest, including the city of Turin and surrounding royal residences, Lake…
‘This country is like a little island, where the people live so happily, as if nothing…
When a priceless Leonardo is stolen from the Budapest Museum of Fine Arts, the Hungarian government…
Born in Transylvania in the days of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, Miklós Bánffy lived to witness both…
A guide to the early history and archaeological sites of Turkey’s Mediterranean coast, covering the ancient…
Fully updated twelfth edition of this classic and indispensable Blue Guide to Rome and the Vatican…
Blue Guides, now in their centenary year, have been published continuously since 1918 and are the…
A new addition to the series, following the popularity of the Blue Guide Italy Food Companion.…
Designed for the traveller who wants to understand more fully what he or she sees. This…
An explorer’s handbook to a corner of Europe that time forgot. This charming and accessible guide,…
A guide to the cities and archaeological sites of Turkey’s Aegean coast, from earliest times through…
Emilia Romagna is a region of fine towns and exceptional cuisine, home to Parma ham, spaghetti…
The eleventh edition of this accessible, scholarly guide to the city of the Renaissance. An essential…