April 2014

  • Travelling around Britain in style

    Travelling around Britain in style

    Recent debate regarding rail travel in Britain has revolved around the provision of first class facilities โ€“ with some saying they should be completely scrapped to reduce the problem of overcrowding. So with some uncertainty hanging over the future of first class train travel, Blue Guidesโ€™ resident rail expert Mark…

  • In praise of plague cakes

    In praise of plague cakes

    In the eastern corner of the City of London, close to the old walls and to the place where the Aldgate once stood, is a small church, that of St Olave Hart Street. It is dedicated to King Olaf II of Norway, who fought with King Ethelred against the Danes…

  • Princesses from the Trabzon Empire

    Princesses from the Trabzon Empire

    For the Grand Comneni, the Christian rulers of the 14thโ€“15th-century Trabzon Empire, diplomacy was probably the best way to survive in a hostile environment. Enemies were all around, and they were all Muslim. If you could not fight and crush them, it was probably more prudent to join them and…

  • Artwork of the month: April. The Seuso Silver

    Artwork of the month: April. The Seuso Silver

    At some point during the turbulent years of the declining Roman Empire, a cache of silver was hidden by its owners, packed into a copper cauldron. This hoard has been puzzling the world ever since. Known as the Seuso (or Sevso) Treasure, it has become an artworld mystery. And the…

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