
  • Letter from Italy

    Virtual museum tours: some of the best For professional guides in Italy this is, of course, a period in which they suddenly find themselves without work. However many museums, while closed to the public, have made it possible not only to consult their catalogues or browse the collections online but…

  • Seasonโ€™s Greetings

    Seasonโ€™s Greetings

    This Advent weโ€™ve chosen twelve different depictions of the Nativity, which we have discovered in the course of Blue Guides research trips around Italyโ€”plus one final one from our latest title in preparation. 1. The ox and the ass and the baby in the manger from an early Christian sarcophagus…

  • Waging war with a view

    Waging war with a view

    The Portofino peninsula today is a regional park, visited for its stunning views, the special flora and fauna and the microclimate, not to mention the extraordinary geology. It has been, however, for a much longer time a strategic outpost. On a clear winter day one has an unimpeded view stretching…

  • Rissรซu


    Rissรซu is the local name given in Liguria to a peculiarly Genoese form of decorative cobblestone paving. The style was enormously fashionable in the 17th and 18th centuries; it is thought that it may have been inspired by Graeco-Roman mosaics which the maritime republicโ€™s sailors encountered on their Mediterranean voyages.…

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